The meaning of “hängen” vs. “hängen” in German
While teaching German classes online, I often experience how difficult it is for students to understand the difference between “hängen” and “hängen”. You might ask yourself, which difference am I speaking about since both verbs look the same? This is precisely what I am going to explain in this article.
Recommended study materials on the topic:
A-Grammar: Practice German grammar German (incl. answers)
B-Grammar: Practice German grammar German (incl. answers)
German self-study book for A1-B1 (incl. answers)
“hängen” vs. “hängen” in German
I agree that it looks pretty foolish to have the same two verbs and claim that they are different, but they are! It is the same in English, as you will realize in the following explanation. The verb “hängen” means to hang, and it can have two jobs:
1. “hängen” in the sense of movement
In German, we use the verb “hängen” if we would like to express that we hang something somewhere. As you can quickly realize, this means we perform a movement of whatever we decide to hang. Accordingly, the verb “hängen” is followed by the Accusative case.
E.g., Ich hänge den Mantel an den Haken. – I hang the coat on the hook.
2. “hängen” the sense of a state
In the same way, as in English, we can use the verb “hängen” to show that something already hangs somewhere. Therefore, no further movement is needed, and the hanging subject becomes an indirect object. We must use the verb “hängen” in the Dative case here.
For example:
Der Mantel hängt an dem Haken. – The coat is hanging on the hook.
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Difference between “hängen” and “hängen” in German
After understanding the basic ideas of this verb, you might still wonder why I am talking about the difference between those two verbs. As in the present tense, both are the same, but when it comes to past tenses like Präteritum or Perfekt in German, it becomes obvious why you should start to differentiate between them.
“hängen” as Accusative verb
Presens (simple present): Ich hänge den Mantel an den Haken.
Präteritum (simple past): Ich hängte den Mantel an den Haken.
Perfekt (present perfect): Ich habe den Mantel an den Haken gehängt.
“hängen” as Dative verb
Presens (simple present): Der Mantel hängt an dem Haken.
Präteritum (simple past): Der Mantel hing an dem Haken
Perfekt (present perfect): Der Mantel hat an dem Haken gehangen.
All the “hängens” are not the same
I hope you can finally understand the difference between “hängen” and “hängen” in German. Remember: If you know the idea of Akkusativ and Dativ and study the different past tense forms of these two similar-appearing verbs, you will easily be able to use these two properly.
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