The difference between “tauschen” and “vertauschen”

Are you learning German and confused about tauschen and vertauschen? You are not alone! These words look similar but have different meanings. In this article, I explain the difference in simple terms with examples.

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1. The meaning of "tauschen"

The verb tauschen means "to exchange" or "to swap" something with another person. You give one thing and get another in return.


Wir tauschen Bücher. → We exchange books.
Ich tausche meinen Apfel gegen eine Banane. → I swap my apple for a banana.
Können wir Plätze tauschen? → Can we swap seats?

Key Points:

  • Tauschen is used when both people agree to exchange something.

  • The objects exchanged are of similar value.

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2. The meaning of "vertauschen"

The verb vertauschen means "to mix up" or "to switch by mistake." It describes a situation where something is replaced unintentionally or incorrectly.


Er hat die Schlüssel vertauscht. → He mixed up the keys.
Ich habe die Schuhe vertauscht. → I accidentally swapped the shoes.
Der Lehrer hat die Tests vertauscht. → The teacher switched the tests by mistake.

Key Points:

  • Vertauschen happens by accident.

  • It often causes confusion or a problem.

Remember: “Tauschen” means to swap something on purpose (e.g., Bücher tauschen – exchange books), while vertauschen means to mix things up by mistake (e.g., Schlüssel vertauschen – mix up keys).

4. Practice Time!

Try to complete these sentences with tauschen or vertauschen:

  1. Anna und Lisa ______ ihre Jacken. (They swap their jackets.)

  2. Oh nein! Ich habe die Gläser ______. (I mixed up the glasses.)

  3. Können wir Handynummern ______? (Can we exchange phone numbers?)

  4. Der Kellner hat die Teller ______. (The waiter switched the plates by mistake.)

(Answers: 1. tauschen, 2. vertauschen, 3. tauschen, 4. vertauschen)


Now you know the difference between tauschen and vertauschen! Keep practicing, and soon, you will use these words with confidence. If you want more simple German lessons, check out the difference between “enden” and “beenden”.

Bis bald!


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